8 Future Mixed Reality Applications To Watch Out For

By TheWAY - 11월 15, 2019

With every day that passes, technology keeps evolving. One such technology is mixed reality, which combines Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. It is also termed ‘Hybrid Reality’ or ‘Extended Reality.’ The future of mixed reality is applications that can shape the future of experienced reality.
Mixed reality is a technology of the future that can be used in a number of applications in various industries such as education, entertainment, and healthcare. The following are a few examples of future mixed reality applications:
Immersive movies
A movie trailer launch is an important promotional event. Everything related to the trailer launch event needs to be perfect to generate a pre-release buzz for the movie. We all are aware of how movie actors hardly arrive on time at any particular event. Mixed reality technology can be used by the production houses for trailer launches with the movie actors making an appearance at the event remotely. Likewise, the press conference after the trailer launch can also be conducted virtually, hence saving a considerable amount of time. Similarly, the mixed reality technology can also be implemented at movie theatres and help them move beyond existing 3D and 4D technologies. With VR-enabled headsets and AR technology, the audience can get an in-depth feel of the movie and hence leave them with an immersive movie theatre experience.
Educational classes

One of the most important factors that usually helps students understand a particular topic or concept related to a subject is the practical demonstration of the concept. For instance, if the topic is based on the seven wonders of the world a teacher with mixed reality and AR technology can guide them through the seven wonders of the world. Alternatively, they can let the students explore the places in a three-dimensional, 360-degree environment with VR-enabled headsets. With the use of mixed reality technology, students do not just visually experience the place, they actually feel they are in the place. An app developed by Google helps create an interactive, virtual environment in the classroom and allows students to explore any historical landmark, get a clear view of underwater life, and even visit outer space.
Corporate meetings
Have you ever thought about the possibility of a meeting taking place with all the members attending it remotely? There is a high possibility such events will actually happen in the future. Microsoft is currently working on a project called ‘Holoportation,’ which utilizes mixed reality technology. The execution of this application could allow individuals with headset device such as HoloLens to remotely participate in the meeting and interact with each other with the help of 3D motion capture system.
Surgical applications
The use of mixed reality technology in medical applications can help transform the healthcare sector completely. By making use of VR headsets, with the incorporation of AR technology, surgeons could easily operate on their patients in a much more effective way than usual. Mixed reality technology offers surgeons the convenience of viewing the Computed Tomography (CT), and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans of the patients directly in 3D format. This could help surgeons detect the specific part of the patient’s anatomy where the operation is to be performed and hence complete the surgery effectively. 
Political Campaigns
A political rally is one of those events that can pull in large crowds of people. Security arrangements are generally made at political rallies but sometimes even those arrangements are not enough as far as the safety of the politician is concerned. Any person from the crowd can act as a threat to the political speaker. In this case, the use of mixed reality can potentially turn out to be an effective precaution to avoid unpredictable circumstances. The political speaker could remotely make an appearance with the help of mixed reality technology and address the crowd safely.
Interactive gaming
One of the sectors that is constantly evolving with technology is the gaming industry. Though Pokémon Go, which completely incorporated augmented reality technology, has been one of the most popular games in recent times, the gaming world is now trying to experiment with cutting edge technology like mixed reality. The mixed reality technology in the gaming sector can not only help the players to visualize the entire scenario of the game but also make the players feel that they are an integral part of the game. The players can witness a 360-degree view of the locations and hence could visualize every part of the game in 3D format.
Event engagement
One of the most popular events around the world that attracts a lot of eyeballs is a music festival. The event coordinators ensure that every arrangement is made properly and all the minor details are in place to make the event successful. But as we all know, the more event planners have fan engagement, the more successful the event can turn out to be. Mixed reality technology can be implemented in various photo booths installed across the event location. These photo booths can give fans the opportunity to pose alongside the digital avatar of their favourite artists and click photos accordingly. Mixed reality enabled photo booths can allow fans to capture as many photos as they want with their favourite artists and help boost fan engagements.
Health devices
Mixed reality technology can not only be used for visual experiences, but the technology has the potential to affect our taste buds. An example is the ‘Taste Buddy’ gadget, which can help electrify our taste buds in the future. The gadget generates electrical and thermal signals that could help stimulate our taste buds. The use of Taste Buddy gadget that incorporates mixed reality could help trick our taste buds and make us feel like we’re tasting our favorite foods such as chocolate, even though we are actually eating a vegetable. Here, mixed reality technology can help people switch to a healthier lifestyle.
Mixed Reality Applications
Although mixed reality technology is relatively new in its current stage of research and development, the technology has the potential to be used in various applications in fields such as entertainment, gaming, medicine, as well as politics. According to research done by Allied Market Research, the mixed reality market is estimated to be around $5,362.1 Million by the year 2024. This clearly signifies that the future of mixed reality is going to be promising if effectively utilized.

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